Attorney Greg Cohen
Has committed his entire career to protecting his clients in both State and Federal Courts.
Greg Stands For You
Mission Statement: To Be The Shield That Protects His Client From The Power Of The State And The Sword To Battle Those Who Would Hurt His Client.
Attorney Greg Cohen has committed his entire criminal defense legal career protecting his clients in both State and Federal Courts. He treats each client as a valued individual who is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Greg also sees beyond the facts of a case where an individual is ready to admit his guilt and wants the best resolution possible. He does this by looking at the story of a client’s life and experiences and translating that into an explanation of why he or she did not commit the offense alleged or what led to the misconduct resulting a criminal charge. He has never been intimidated by the Courts…

Attorney Profile
Greg is a trial lawyer and has been practicing law in the Tri-State area since 1993. He is a product of Cincinnati Ohio, growing up in Bond Hill and attending Walnut Hills High School. Prior to becoming a lawyer he worked in a meat packing plant and the restaurant industry. He knows what it is like to work 12 hours of hard sweaty labor. His practice is primarily focused on criminal defense trial work in State and Federal Court but he also does criminal appeals work. And a portion of his practice deals with business law.
Admissions to Practice
State of Ohio Courts
Attorney Greg Cohen defends the accused in Ohio courts.
Federal District Court in the United States and its Territories
Ohio Lawyer Greg Cohen defends clients in any Federal District Court in the United States and its Territories.
US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
Cincinnati Attorney Greg Cohen defends clients before the US Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.
Areas of Practice
Attorney Greg Cohen defends clients accused of:
• Drug charges
• Murder or Homicide
• Attempted Murder
• Assault
Cincinnati attorney Cohen defends those accused of:
• Sex Offenses
• Firearms or Weapons violations
• Aggravated Robbery • Robbery
• Aggravated Burglary • Burglary
Greg Cohen's Cincinnati legal team defends clients accused of:
• Internet Crimes
• Theft • White Collar Crime
Traffic Offenses • Cohen defends clients Post Conviction
Contact Us
(513) 621-9016 or 24/7 (513) 702-0923
The Citadel
114 E. 8th St
Cincinnati, OH
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